Tablet computer with handwritten notes on a stone


Consulting - Marketing Concept - Brand Building - Positioning –
Consulting - Marketing Concept - Brand Building - Positioning –
Consulting - Marketing Concept - Brand Building - Positioning –

Why us

We are passionate about brands. This is evidenced not only by our strategic partnerships across various industries but also by our own three brands and the numerous customer brands we've developed. From business plans to branding. Thus, we understand communication and the development of business cases. We prefer turning new impulses into sustainable collaborations. And we turn business concepts into concrete brands – together with you?

What we offer

Building a Brand

Bringing a vision to life. In the build-up phase, we design a visual direction, let the brand flourish, and scale the business model in the business plan. During the process, we finalize brand values, target groups, unique selling propositions, and the brand architecture. We draw from our own experience – over the past years, we've successfully launched three startups and supported many young and existing companies on a long-term advisory basis.


We extract the essence of the brand. Mixed with our straightforward language and affinity for zeitgeist and timeless designs, we define the appearance. From logo to look and feel to corporate language.

Brand Positioning

We strategically plant your brand. It thrives in the market and in the minds of the target group. With defined brand values, attractive services, and a clear sales market, we make it bloom – and bear fruit.

Marketing Concepts

In close collaboration with our partners, we define goals – leaving the realization up to us. Together, we refine the concept until it's ready to go. Our expertise covers all tools from the marketing mix. Thus, we advise not only on communication topics. With a differentiated concept, we promise an efficient use of the budget.


We win over our partners with fresh ideas. Whether on a mandate or project basis, we advise them with actions and marketing moves. Thanks to long-term exchange, we know the business and brand – but still provide a neutral external view.
This is ESE

ESE combines a fresh mindset with over 10 years of experience as a company. Our focus is on new corporate strategies, long-term partner support, and project-based consulting. We can conceptualize and implement your idea from business plan to branding to campaign communication. We've already co-created several success stories.

Strong brands from strong partnerships

Bundesamt für Sport BASPO
Arno del Curto
Futuro Workshops
Thomas Rickli
Racing Unleashed
LYRICS Festival